Thursday, February 17, 2011

Green Event Planning

As an organizational communications major there are many different careers that one can go into. Organizational communications deals with the communication among corporations and companies. My perspective career field is concentrated toward the event industry. I am interested in every aspect of the event planning process from the fine details of a table layout and to the overall feel experience the event creates. My position for each of the organizations I am involved in deal with planning and executing events for students on campus. Currently I am looking for internships with event planning companies in hopes to help implement their elaborate events. They consist of huge flower arrangements, over the top lighting, fine catering, fancy invitations and much more. Before looking into this assignment I never thought about how much harm a single event can have on the planet. In reality, it totals countless amounts of waste including paper, food and decorations.

“Waste audits conducted by the Northeast Recycling Council, Inc. (NERC) through a USDA-funded project, demonstrated that more than one pound per person of food is generated. At each of these events, food and serving packaging averaged 41% of the waste by weight. A study conducted for the California Integrated Waste Management Board found that food, leaves and grass, and compostable paper make up to 54 percent of the potential diversion from an event’s waste stream; recycling paper and cardboard another 12 percent, and beverage containers about nine percent” (Bradley, 1)

Many companies have noticed this environmental issue and are taking great strides to fix the problem. Some event companies have even changed in their ways to creating events that are 100% eco-friendly for the environment and are proud to offer that service to their clients. A process known by almost any human being to help save the environment is reducing paper use. Most events have invitations, itineraries and other pieces of information printed on some sort of paper with important information needed for guests. This paper produces a lot of trash if not recycled. An alternative to using paper is web-based forms of information. Sending creative invites online is a quick and easy way to get a client’s information out and a much cheaper option. The guest just opens their email and emails their RSVP right back. No worries about wasting paper and killing more trees. By posting an events itinerary online a planner not only saves money and trees, but also gives the guest the option to individually print the info if needed. With circumstances that absolutely call for printed material there are other options to staying environmentally sustainable. Using vegetable based inks to print on recycled paper makes the task more eco-friendly. Even though paper is a huge form of waste, many companies have found more sustainable ways of spreading their messages.

For any event, guests have to travel to a location or venue where the event is held. This means that the more guests attending, the more vehicles being used, therefore, there are more fumes polluting the air. Not many people think about transportation effecting the sustainability of an event, but that is all part of it. “Most ozone pollution is caused by motor vehicles, which account for 72% of nitrogen oxides and 52% of reactive hydrocarbons (principal components of smog)” (Automobiles: Pollution…). To cut down on this, an event can be held in a central location minimizing the transportation time. Shuttle services and carpools can also be offered or suggested by the client. The location choice can mean a lot for the client, but also a lot for the environment. If the location is outside lighting is an important feature needed to create a great experience. Holding the event during the day eliminates a need for artificial lighting and also reduces energy use and costs.

Food is a basic element for social, corporate and personal events. Who doesn’t like free food at? By purchasing produce locally and seasonally, once again, costs and transportation can be condensed. This also helps the local farmers and their business along with obtaining healthy and tasteful foods. A planner needs to acquire an accurate number of guests to prevent from paying for extra food that is not needed. Composting bins are obtainable to eliminate the waste of food. Biodegradable utensils are great to purchase since they are compostable as well. In the case that there are leftovers and no composting site, these meals can be donated to local food shelters. dkk events is one event company located in Los Angeles that strives to “create stylish and sustainable events that are as extraordinary as they are eco-friendly” (dkk events). They provide the service of delivering all left over food to a local food shelter in their area after events.

Dkk is proud of the unique services they offer and state,

“in fact, it's one of our favorite things to do on our clients' behalf. Our thinking is what makes each event an explora-party experience. How can we nurture what is most unique about the client / mission / vision and reflect it back in a sustainable and responsible way? This is truly our hardest work and our greatest talent.”

Knowing that any extra food from an event was donated to someone that needs it can mean a lot for clients.

Environmental sustainability in the industry is somewhat of a new idea. Many companies do not realize the large amounts of waste they are producing from each event, but also do not care. Throughout my internship search and countless hours of looking up possible positions I never found one company that was practicing eco-friendly planning. Conducting research for this assignment, I reluctantly came across a few. Looking for sustainable events in this industry is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. They are out there but only as of recently.

One of the few companies that I did come across was Green Planet Events. It is owned by Jessica Welle in Miami, Florida. Her pride is in keeping the environment clean while creating flawless events for clients. Welles shares, “I didn’t want to be the same event planner as everyone else [in the market], and [green events] was a good niche for me,” she says. “There is so much waste produced from events that this seemed like a natural way to help the planet.”

Green Planet Events offers all services that events need while still utilizing all eco-friendly and sustainable products.

The event industry as you can tell from my research is not one to think about saving and sustaining our environment. Though there are few companies out there that care they seem to be the ones with a true passion for going green. There are multiple ways to make events more green while still creating a unique and extraordinary experience for clients. Eliminating paper, donating food and buying locally is not that big of a change. Even though there are not hundreds of companies striving to be sustainable, I can see this trend picking up in the future. More and more of our population are becoming more interested in being eco-friendly and will hunt for planners that can help them achieve that. Not only is it helping the environment but it’s leaving more money in the client’s and planner’s pockets. Now that I am finished with this assignment, I am interested in interning or working for a company that care about the environment through their events. Who knows, maybe I will jump on the bandwagon one day and own my own sustainable event company.

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